By Trisha Adamus, Data, Network, and Translational Research Librarian at Ebling Library
ORCID (pronounced “orkid”) stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers. An ORCID iD acts as a unique identifier for a person, much like a publication has a DOI. ORCID acts as a transparent “hub” between different sites and services in the researcher workflow – funders, publishers, repositories, research networks and more.
The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individuals, who may obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the Registry. The Health Sciences Library (Ebling Library), is a licensed member of ORCID, which allows the Library to link biographical and bibliographic information to ORCID identifiers, update ORCID records, to receive updates from ORCID, and to register employees and students for ORCID identifiers.
While not mandatory, publishers and funding agencies are increasingly adopting ORCID as a tool to manage submissions and applications. At some point in the future having an ORCID iD and using ORCID as a tool may be required. For new researchers, an ORCID iD offers a way to have an accurate record of scholarly output from the very beginning. An ORCID iD can be used on CVs, departmental webpages, email signatures, in professional directories and more.
You can set up your own ORCID iD using the Register for an ORCID iD website and your UW-Madison email address. If you created an ORCID iD using a different email address you can update your profile at to add your current UW-Madison ( address. The ORCID iD is tied to you, not any particular institution. You can add publications from previous jobs, and if you leave UW-Madison just update your ORCID profile with your new email address.
To learn more about ORCID please visit the Ebling Library webpage on ORCID or contact the University of Wisconsin – Madison ORCID Ambassador Trisha Adamus,