Our second brown bag talk, “Zero to Sixty: Establishing Research Data Services from Scratch,” will be presented by Kristin Briney, Data Services Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
TIME: Wednesday, February 25, 12pm-1pm.
PLACE: Cat Lab (4191F), School of Library and Information Studies, 4th floor of Helen C. White Hall.
ABSTRACT: What does it take to create research data services where none existed before? Kristin Briney will discuss establishing data services at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her talk will include strategy and lessons learned 18 months into the process.
ABOUT KRISTIN: Kristin is a PhD chemist who works at the interface of science, technology, and information management. Her particular interests are: helping researchers manage their data, improving informatics systems through robust metadata and workflows, teaching information retrieval and management skills, and using technology to make science accessible to everyone.
Please RSVP for this talk if you plan to attend. View other talks in this series in our archive.
-Erin Carrillo