In this series, members of the RDS team share links to research data related stories, resources, and news that caught their eye each month. Feel free to share your favorite stories with us on Twitter @UWMadRschSvcs!
Brianna Marshall
UW-Madison is hiring a CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow for Data Curation in Medieval Studies. The person in this role will get to work closely with Research Data Services and yours truly, so share away!
Kristin Briney explains why everyday people should care about research data in her wonderful TEDxUWMilwaukee talk.
A step-by-step guide to computing workflows with the biologist, courtesy of PLoS Biology.
Cameron Cook
The DOT has released its plan for public access.
Dorothy Bishop talks about what funding agencies can do to support reproducibility on Retraction Watch.
An overview of the author’s paper, discussing the need for the research community to address ethical concerns around using devices that record large amounts of personal data, specifically ‘first person digital visual recording devices’.
Allan Barclay
Recent NISO webinar: Research Data Metrics Landscape.
Author Contributorship Badges from GigaBlog at BioMed Central.
A project to give authors better, more transparent credit for contributions to an article (based on the CASRAI CRediT taxonomy).