Research Data Services is proud to co-sponsor the third annual North American Data Documentation Initiative conference, occurring April 8-10 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The theme for NADDI 2015, Research Data Management: Enhancing Discoverability with Open Metadata Standards, emphasizes an applied use of DDI to research data. Meant to appeal to individuals involved in creating, managing and using research data, the conference encourages the submission of presentations that showcase the importance of DDI metadata for not only discovering and using research data, but as a practical and utilitarian principle supporting research data production and management.
The conference also encourages presentations on current data service models at other institutions who want to brainstorm how to integrate DDI into their workflows. Finally, because UW-Madison is home to two longitudinal studies (MIDUS and Wisconsin Longitudinal Study) that collect biological and other non-survey data types, NADDI2015 will be a convenient forum to discuss documenting complex use cases with DDI.
The call for presentations is open through February 13. For more information, visit the NADDI 2015 website or download the NADDI 2015 informational flyer.
About DDI
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an open metadata standard for describing data and data collection activities. DDI’s principal goal is making research metadata machine-actionable. The specification can document and manage different stages of data lifecycles, such as conceptualization, collection, processing, analysis, distribution, discovery, repurposing, and archiving.