![EZID Logo](http://wwwtest.researchdata.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/EZID.jpg)
Following a pilot period this summer, the University of Wisconsin Libraries will now be offering permanent identifiers in the form of DataCite DOIs through the EZID service. EZID will be available through either the EZID user interface or through the EZID Application Programming Interface (API).
The EZID user interface is available as a web based tool that allows self-service of individual persistent identifiers. As an account holder, users can request new identifiers or manage existing identifiers.
The EZID API allows machine-to-machine transactions so that persistent identifier functionality can be integrated with other applications.
If you would like to discuss whether the EZID service is right for your needs or to learn more about the service, contact Brianna Marshall.
More information is available at the EZID FAQ page.