In this series, members of the RDS team share links to research data-related stories, resources, and news that caught their eye each month. Feel free to share your favorite stories with us on Twitter @UWMadRschSvcs!
Cameron Cook
This article talks about the outcomes from the Data Usage Metrics working group and ways that publishers and data repositories can support these initiatives to help make data sharing count and ensure researchers get credit for their work.
We’ve shared similar best practices before, but nothing like repetition to help build habits! This Nature article covers some storage and backup best practices!
Clare Michaud
Nan Z. Da (assistant professor of English at the University of Notre Dame) takes a critical approach to computational literary analysis in “The Digital Humanities Debacle,” and Matthew Lavin (clinical assistant professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh) questions her article in his letter to the editor, “The Interestingness of the Digital Humanities.”
This article in Nature discusses the importance of FAIR data principles as a community approach to using standards and repositories, and creating data management and sharing policies.