In this series, members of the RDS team share links to research data related stories, resources, and news that caught their eye each month. Feel free to share your favorite stories with us on Twitter @UWMadRschSvcs!
Ann Engler
Encouraging data sharing in journal policies shows promising results.
Can you balance open data and human subject privacy? This author says yes.
One journal no longer accepts “data available by contacting the author”. Read why they made the change here.
Cameron Cook
Here at RDS, we suggest that you use UW-Madison versions of certain cloud services while at the university. If you’ve ever wondered about the difference in those tools, DoIT has released a great chart comparing the UW-Madison versions of Box, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
A data sharing win – “Open data from the Large Hadron Collider sparks new discovery“
Mattie Burkert, who spoke at our September 2015 brown bag about this project, recently published “Recovering the London Stage Information Bank: Lessons from an Early Humanities Computing Project“.