Spring 2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy Drop-ins!

Join us for a new round of drop in sessions for Spring 2023!

Drop in and learn about the forthcoming NIH data sharing requirements! Bring your lunch and your questions!

RDS is providing a series of drop-in sessions over the lunch hour from January – March, 2023 that will provide a brief overview of the new requirements, an overview of data management and sharing plans, and touch on repository options for data sharing. We’ll provide ample time after the presentation for the discussion to follow attendees’ interests. These sessions are intended to be informal so please feel free to drop in and out as needed!

As a reminder, lunch is not provided so please bring it with you!

 Health Sciences Learning Center 3330 | Every Wednesday*, January 18-March 15


January 18th, 25th

February 1st, 8th, 15th

 March 1st


VIRTUAL! | March 8th & 15th (Noon-1PM)

Join us here on Zoom!*

*Note, you will need to be logged in with your wisc.edu address