DMPTool Webinar Series Continues


DMPTool Webinar Series Brown Bag

Join us for a ~15 part webinar series on the Data Management Planning Tool, DMPTool, from the California Digital Library.  This series will introduce the tool, discuss how to use it effectively, and describe how it can be customized for institutional needs.  Librarians, staff, and information professionals interested in promoting the use of the DMPTool by researchers are encouraged to attend.

DMPTool wiki

More information on the DMPTool webinar series.

Webinar 1: Introduction to DMPTool. Recorded May 28th.  Slides available.

Webinar 2: Learning about data management: Resources, tools, and materials you can use. Recorded June 4th.  Slides and bibliography available.

Webinar 3:  Customizing the DMPTool for your institution. Recorded June 18th. Slides available.

Webinar 4: Environmental Scan:  Identify stakeholders and partners in data management. Recorded June 25th.  Slides available.

Webinar 5: Promoting institutional services with the DMPTool (EZID as an example). Recorded July 9th.  Slides available.

Webinar 6:  Health Sciences & DMPTool – Lisa Federer, UCLA.  Recorded July 16th.  Slides available.

Webinar 7: Digital humanities and the DMPTool – Miriam Posner, UCLA.  Recorded July 30th.  Slides available.

Webinar 8, Tuesday, August 13, 12-1pm, 126 Memorial Library – Data curation profiles and the DMPTool – Jake Carlson