Link Roundup November 2017

light bulb

In this series, members of the RDS team share links to research data related stories, resources, and news that caught their eye each month. Feel free to share your favorite stories with us on Twitter @UWMadRschSvcs!

Ann Engler

A new tool called Seek & Blastn is being developed to find errors in research involving nucleotide sequences.

Tracking university students’ library usage can help improve services, but it raises important privacy concerns. Read how some universities are using library data here.

Looking for tips on organizing data in spreadsheets? This article may help.

OCLC Research is working on a project to examine RDM at four research universities.


Cameron Cook

Digital Preservation Coalition released “a ‘Bit List’ of Digitally Endangered Species” categorizing the risk levels of different types of digital materials.

twarc, a command line tool for archiving Twitter JSON, now is able to output CSV files.

Interested in working with your data in R? Check out the Programming Historian lessons on “R Basics with Tabular Data” and “Data Wrangling and Management in R“.