The Rebecca J. Holz Series in Research Data Management presents talks on various data-related topics. Each presentation is held in room 126 of Memorial Library from noon to 1:00 PM (bring your lunch!).
The next presentation is October 12, 2017. Matthew Garcia, Ph.D. Candidate, Forest Science, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology will present The accurate Data Management Plan (if such exists) in the presence of “Big Data”.
On November 15, Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Vilas Research Professor and Sir Frederic Bartlett Professor – UW-Madison will present Benefits of Open Data and Open Stimuli.
We hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, did you know there’s an online archive of past Holz Series installments? Many include summaries of the presentation, links to the slides, and other helpful information. Check back for abstracts of the Fall 2017 series.
If you don’t see a topic you’re curious about after browsing the archive, or if you are interested in presenting yourself, contact us with your suggestion! We’re always interested in hearing what data-related content you’d find helpful.