Final Spring Holz Brown Bag Talk

BarryTRadlerThe final spring brown bag, The Role of Metadata in Research: Reflections on NADDI 2015, will be presented by Barry Radler, a researcher at UW-Madison Institute on Aging.

TIME: Wednesday, April 29, 12pm-1pm.

PLACE: Bunge Room, School of Library and Information Studies, 4th floor of Helen C. White Hall.

ABSTRACT: The increasing availability of research and other data via the internet has spurred interest in and the need for better documentation of such data. The Open Data movement gaining momentum among federal funding agencies, academic libraries, and professional journals is also contributing to a recognition that good documentation and metadata are essential to distinguishing the quality of research datasets and facilitating their discovery and use in an online environment of ever-expanding information. This presentation will provide a primer in metadata use and metadata standards like the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI). It will also include reflections by the presenter on his particular DDI use cases, as well as his experience hosting the 3rd annual North American DDI Conference. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.

ABOUT DR. RADLER: Dr. Radler’s research interests explore how human beings process information, make decisions, and behave in social, political, and marketing contexts. For the last 20 years he has explored, advocated, and implemented the use of information technologies to improve research processes and data. Dr. Radler is currently the Data Management Director for the MIDUS study (, a complex longitudinal study that uses an XML metadata standard called the Data Documentation Initiative ( to develop web-based documentation.

Please RSVP for this talk if you plan to attend. View other talks in this series in our archive.

– Erin Carrillo