WordCAKE Tool Workshop Friday 4/25


Please join us tomorrow, Friday, April 25, 1:00 in Memorial Library Commons (4th floor) for a workshop covering the collaborative development and features/use of the WordCAKE tool (link for download will be distributed to participants).  WordCAKE offers an interactive 3D experience for exploring how word frequencies change over sequential texts.

We encourage participants to bring laptops and try out the tool following the introductory presentation.

WordCAKE is a plugin for a free 3D modeling application, SketchUp, so please begin by downloading the latest version here: http://www.sketchup.com/download

The WordCAKE plugin can be downloaded here:


In SketchUp, click “Preferences” then select “Extensions” click the button to “Install Extensions” and select the WordCAKE plugin

A link to the manual with more detailed install instructions: http://carrieroy.com/mediafiles/WordCAKEmanual.pdf

A sample files folder (note file naming conventions): https://uwmadison.box.com/s/bilt0ri93ubuw2ew4nxc

Word selection tool overview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjqVyuZN_K0&feature=youtu.be