Cameron Cook
The UW-Madison Libraries have licensed access to the Web of Science data set for UW-Madison researchers to analyze citation patterns and networks. Learn more about it and see how it may be able to help your research!
The White House has released a report to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees providing an update on public access plan implementation since the originating 2013 Office of Science and Technology Policy memo.
Jennifer Patiño
A recent analysis of tens of thousands of articles shows that article processing charges (APCs) pose a barrier for authors in middle and low income countries and that waivers are often ineffective at reducing costs enough for authors who are often paying out of their own pockets.
The February 22 issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities centers a variety of projects including a public history podcast analyzing East Asian pop culture and a resource for teaching Victorian studies through a race conscious lens, all linked by a commitment to pedagogy. The journal also issued a call for proposals for future special issues due April 1.