25 September 2014, 10 am EDT (UTC-4) Please register in advance for this free webinar. ORCID is partnering with the Health Research Alliance, a consortium of biomedical research foundations, to host a free webinar on how funders are using …
Datapoints: the RDS blog
UW-Madison Chosen for Federally-funded Cloud Computing Research
The UW-Madison is receiving a grant to create an environment to develop new cloud-based services. See the UW News story about CloudLab for more information about the UW’s role. Complete details are on this National Science Foundation News …
DoE Proposes First Plan for Expanded Public Access of Research
For University of Wisconsin researchers who rely on Department of Energy federal grants, the other shoe has dropped. To be precise, the DoE’s “shoe” or plan to increase access to the works and data of …
Registration for Lockdown 2014 is Now Open
This year’s conference at Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) includes a variety of presentations on important current information security issues, including network phantom surveillance UAV/drone, REN-ISAC update, Payment Card Industry (PCI) update, and more! The conference includes …
DMPTool Unavailable May 28
As current users of DMPTool may have heard, DMPTool will be upgraded to a new and improved version on May 29th. This new version will give users increased functionality, such as the ability to add …
Data Visualization: Choosing Tools and Workflows Across the Research Process
Data Visualization can serve as a complement to statistics and as a part of your research process from analysis through publication. Visualization works with the human eye-brain system and can help a viewer see relationships, patterns, and outliers in his or her data.
WordCAKE Tool Workshop Friday 4/25
Please join us tomorrow, Friday, April 25, 1:00 in Memorial Library Commons (4th floor) for a workshop covering the collaborative development and features/use of the WordCAKE tool (link for download will be distributed to participants). WordCAKE offers an interactive 3D experience for exploring how word frequencies change over sequential texts.