Note: Links on this page are currently redirecting to an archived version due to the uncertainty around policy at this time. On February 22, 2013, John Holdren, director of the White House’s Office of Science …
Datapoints: the RDS blog
DMPTool Webinar Series Continues
DMPTool Webinar Series Brown Bag Join us for a ~15 part webinar series on the Data Management Planning Tool, DMPTool, from the California Digital Library. This series will introduce the tool, discuss how to use …
VIVO Webinar Series
Overview of VIVO What is VIVO with Brian Lowe, Cornell University Implementation with Jon Corson-Rikert, Cornell University Future Directions with Dean Kraft, Cornell University Slides from the presentation are also available. Case Studies: VIVO implementations at …
Tools: LabKey Server
LabKey Server is an open source data management platform designed for organizing and managing data from large-scale research; for example, data from thousands of samples and/or subjects. It provides a secure environment for collaborators at …
Tools: Electronic Lab Notebooks
What are they? Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) are software counterparts to paper lab notebooks. Although the name suggests a physical notebook device, ELNs are actually just software that runs on a computer, although some ELNs …
Tools: SpiderOak
What It Is: Cloud-based file storage, synchronization, and back-ups. SpiderOak is available on Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, and N900 Maemo. Cost: Free, premium, and enterprise accounts available. The pricing for storage is better compared …
Popular Economic Paper Criticized for Undocumented Errors
A new review of an influential research article on fiscal austerity and GDP finds that the results were tainted in part by an undocumented error in the authors’ Excel dataset. The original research by Carmen …