To celebrate Love Data Week, Research Data Services, Ebling Library, and Open Meetup are hosting a Data Story Slam! We’re looking for 10-12 storytellers to each tell a five minute data story. This can be …
Datapoints: the RDS blog
Tool: Tabula
Information adapted from the Tabula website. What is Tabula? If you’ve ever needed data that only exists in a PDF format, you’ve likely discovered that you can’t easily copy and paste the data, which makes being able to actually …
Tool: OpenICPSR
Written by Chiu-chuang Lu Chou; Information adapted from OpenICPSR OpenICPSR is a self-serving data repository for researchers who need to deposit their social and behavioral science research data for public access compliance. Researchers can …
Documenting DH: Dorothea Salo
Written by Heather Wacha Documenting DH is a project from the Digital Humanities Research Network (DHRN). It consists of a series of audio interviews with various humanities scholars and students around the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. …
Link Roundup November 2017
In this series, members of the RDS team share links to research data related stories, resources, and news that caught their eye each month. Feel free to share your favorite stories with us on Twitter @UWMadRschSvcs! Ann Engler A new …
Tool: CodingBat Python
Information adapted from CodingBat Python website. What is CodingBat Python? CodingBat Python is a website that offers Python coding problems you can work through for practice (it also offers Java problems). It was created by …
November 2017 Brown Bag: Morton Ann Gernsbacher
The Rebecca J. Holz Series in Research Data Management is a monthly lecture series hosted during the spring and fall academic semesters. Research Data Services invites speakers from a variety of disciplines to talk about …